degrees – general studies

Medical Assisting

Discover the benefits of a Medical Assisting degree from bte365官网地址 and what it takes to graduate.


$275 per credit hour


Accredited by HLC & ABHE


Can be done entirely online


Classes can transfer

general studies

Medical Assisting

Associates of Arts (AA) – 2 year degree

  • Campus degree
  • Blended Degree

Why Choose General Studies (Medical Assisting) at bte365官网地址?

The AA in General Studies (Medical Assisting) is a partnership pathway between Christ College and bte365官网地址 that allows you to prepare for further academic study while at the same time meeting the requirements to become a licensed medical assistant.

By pursuing this degree at bte365官网地址, you’ll also learn strategies for meeting your goals that are consistent with a biblical worldview.


Graduates went off to be a

  • medical assistant
  • physical therapist
  • daycare teacher
  • dietary aide at nursing home

Sample Classes

  • Leadership Organization
  • Literature
  • History

AA Requirements

Standard Completion Time

2 years

Minimum Program Credits

60 credits

Contact Our Office


We are accredited by both the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) and the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE). See why having both matters.
